Sunday, December 9, 2007

Globlal Initiatives for Flood Free Bangladesh

As we know during the monsoon time every other year Bangladesh is badly flooded which takes away so many lives and destroys our infra structure and weaken the economy of Bangladesh. Flooding in Bangladesh is not a temporary problem but a permanent chronic problem. Whenever Bangladesh is flooded, Bangladeshi individuals/public and private organization around the world raise money for contributing to the flood victims; as well as Bangladesh Govt seeks foreign aids to help the flood victims and to rebuild the affected area around the nation. This effort is very generous and a temporary good initiative but not the permanent solution to cure from flood. If we want to cure from flood then we should focus on finding the root cause that causing flood and take appropriate measure to eliminate this problem. This problem will never be fixed until Bangladesh Govt and each Bangladeshi citizen around the world think seriously and become proactive. In near future if we want a flood free Bangladesh then I am proposing to create a body " GLOBAL INITIATIVES FOR FLOOD FREE BANGLADESH " where our international friends and each Bangladeshi can contribute their expertise, skill and innovative idea. Here are my my recommendation to build " Flood Free Bangladesh" under the umbrella of "GIFFB":
Long term Goal:
Bangladesh Govt should ask expertise/skill/idea from their international friends (USA/Nether Land/Russia/Canada/Germany/NZ/AUS etc). Bangladesh govt should form" Flood Free forum talk" with South East Asian nations in cluding China to find the common ground to prevent flood in south East Asia. Generate money by deducting TK. 10 -20/month from each state and private employee for next 10 years Each Bangladeshi employee around the world should contribute $ 5.00 /check to prospective" GIFFB" from their pay check for next 10 years. Bangladesh govt should seek this help from their foreign country to implement this. Each Bangladeshi business man should contribute 5% from their profit Each Bangladeshi business man around the world should generously contribute 2.5% of their profit. Set up "International Flood Prevention and Research Center (IFPARC)" in Bangladesh by getting help from other nations. Preserve and expand forestation around the nation and in South East Asia and in China

Short term Goal:
Raise awareness among people about Global warming and its affect. Build expertise through proper education Stop constructing unplanned building/roads/highways that could affect the water flow (current) of the river Stop deforestation and over usage of agriculture fertilizers and pesticides around the nation Stop burning of fossil fuels and regulate industrial practices around the nation. Stop filling up canal/lake/river with soil/waste Dig all rivers gradually for next 10 years. Create more lakes/canal around the country Upgrade the sewerage and sanitation systems in all major cities around the country Build barricades around the locality to prevent floodwater Keep all necessary equipments to discharge flood water from the affected area. If you want flood free Bangladesh please act now.

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